Balance Treatment

Dizziness or loss of balance can be unsettling experiences, often described as feeling lightheaded, unsteady, or experiencing a sensation of spinning, known as vertigo. These symptoms can stem from various conditions or events involving the inner ear or brain.

The inner ear plays a critical role in maintaining balance. Issues like benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Meniere’s disease, or vestibular neuritis can cause a malfunction in this system, leading to balance disturbances or dizziness.

Anxiety and panic disorders can also manifest as dizziness, creating a feeling of being detached from the environment. Because of the diverse potential causes, an ENT specialist should evaluate persistent dizziness or loss of balance.

It’s essential to describe the nature of these symptoms accurately to help determine the possible underlying condition.

Why Am I Losing My Balance?

Losing balance can be a concerning experience, often associated with conditions affecting the vestibular system, neurological disorders, or cardiovascular diseases. Your inner ear plays a crucial role in maintaining balance as it sends signals about body movements relative to gravity to the brain. Any disruptions in this communication can result in balance issues. 

Conditions like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, or stroke can also cause balance loss, affecting spatial awareness and motor control. Cardiovascular problems like low blood pressure or irregular heart rhythms can cause dizziness or fainting, affecting balance momentarily. Age-related changes, certain medications, and lack of physical activity can also contribute to balance problems.

Facts About Dizziness and Balance

It’s essential to differentiate between dizziness (feeling lightheaded or unsteady) and vertigo as treatment approaches differ. Balance issues often accompany dizziness and can manifest as unsteadiness, difficulty walking straight, or a tendency to lean to one side. 

Good balance is a complex process involving sensory information from the inner ear, eyes, and sensors in muscles and joints to maintain stability and posture. Therefore, maintaining good overall health, including vision and muscle strength, can help improve balance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get rid of the dizziness?

First, find a stable position and sit or lie down to avoid falling. Focus on a fixed object to help regain balance. Deep breathing exercises can also help reduce dizziness. Avoid sudden movements and try to stay hydrated. If dizziness persists or is accompanied by other symptoms such as chest pain, severe headaches, or fainting, immediately consult an ENT specialist from ENT Centers of North Texas.

How long does vertigo last?

Vertigo duration can vary greatly depending on its cause. For instance, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), a common type, often resolves within one to two weeks without treatment. Meniere’s disease can cause vertigo attacks that last hours, while vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis might cause vertigo for several days to a few weeks. As vertigo can be a symptom of other conditions, it’s critical to consult an ENT specialist for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Why do I get dizzy when I stand up?

Dizziness upon standing can be attributed to a condition called orthostatic hypotension. It happens when there is a sudden drop in blood pressure when shifting from a lying or seated position to standing. This sudden drop prevents enough oxygen from reaching the brain, leading to dizziness. Orthostatic hypotension can be caused by dehydration, certain medications, blood loss, or underlying medical conditions. To mitigate this, try rising slowly and allowing your body to adjust. Staying hydrated, avoiding sudden movements, and talking to an ENT specialist can help identify and manage the underlying cause of your dizziness.

If you are experiencing balance issues, don’t suffer any longer, contact The ENT Centers of North Texas today. We can help!